B3 invests in strategies to enable the continuity of its critical processes, even in adverse scenarios, thus allowing the reduction of impacts on the markets in which it operates. The way in which these strategies are developed and executed depends on a set of procedures, roles and responsibilities that are detailed in business continuity plans.
Among these plans, the Operational Continuity Plan (PCO) describes alternative operational procedures that must be carried out by B3 and, when necessary, by market participants in order to reduce the impacts caused by the unexpected unavailability of a critical resource or process.
Participant’s Guide
The Participant's Guide is part of every Operational Continuity Plan (PCO) that contains procedures to be performed by participants. In the guide, participants may find guidelines on how to proceed if B3 activates any of those plans.
OTC market PCO
Read the document below for further information in the event of unavailability of systems related to the OTC market.

Listed market PCO
Read the document below for further information in the event of unavailability of systems related to the Listed market.