Available data | B3

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  • ESG Reports Data Module

    The objective of this module is to offer an infrastructure for collecting, storing, and analyzing ESG data from companies and/or segments. In the monitoring tab, dashboards and the ESG score of segments and/or companies are made available depending on the user’s profile. Scores are calculated based on B3's own methodology, which is based on the materiality of sectors and the companies' performance in environmental, social and governance indicators. The repository tab, in turn, stores historical data, providing the sources where the information was collected and how it correlates with market instruments such as, for example, GRI, ISE B3 questions and Reference Form.

    The module has two access profiles::

    • Free: the user can check, in the monitoring tab, the indicators, dashboards and ESG scores of segments. The repository tab provides the link to reports in which ESG indicators of listed companies are published, when available. Additionally, you will be able to access segment rankings.
    • Paid: the user can check, in the monitoring tab, the indicators, dashboards and ESG scores of segments and listed companies. The repository tab provides individual data and the link to the reports where ESG indicators of listed companies are published, when available. In addition, you will be able to access rankings of segments and listed companies, as well as portfolio performance analyses, which can be customized according to the user's preferences.

    The main advantage between the access profiles is the possibility of viewing individual data of listed companies. This functionality is available only in the paid profile, while in the free profile, you will only be able to view data grouped by segments.

  • Themed Bonds Module

    The objective of this module is to provide data on the stock of themed bonds registered on B3 platforms, such as stock evolution by financial instrument and by bond type (environmental, social, socio-environmental or SLB); ranking, in Brazilian Reals, of debenture issuers, ranking of CRI and CRA issuers and ranking of certifiers. It is also possible to check data such as issue date, maturity date, nominal price issued, indexer, interest rate, spread rate value and type of bond issuance. Access to this module is free of charge.

  • ESG Indices Module

    O objetivo desse módulo é divulgar o desempenho das empresas participantes do processo de seleção da carteira do ISE B3 a partir do ciclo 2021-2022. A Plataforma auxiliará os usuários a traçarem estratégias do ponto de vista ESG com base em scores e em dados relacionados ao ISE B3. As informações são visualizadas em tabelas e dashboards (painéis comparativos). O acesso aos dados do ISE B3, presentes nesse módulo, são gratuitos.

Disclaimer for page footer: Contracting modules with paid ESG WORKSPACE profiles is exclusive to legal entities. Therefore, if you are an individual and have questions about the website's content, please contact the support team on the page: atendimento.b3.com.br/atendimento.