Historical quote data
The historical quote data contains the history of prices on securities traded in the stock market since 1986.
The quotes provided are in the currency and quote format used at the time, without adjustment for the inflation or corporate action (dividends, bonuses, subscription rights, etc.) distributed by the issuing companies.

- What data does this file contain?
The file contains major data on equities such as: company's name and ticker, stock code, ISIN code, market type (cash, forward, options), specification (ON/PN), prices (last, opening, minimum, average, maximum, closing), number of trades and trading value.
- What's the file format?
The file is a text file, compressed using zip. Below is a sample file.
- What is the file layout?
- How to import the data to Excel?
1st Step
- Print the historical data file layout.
- Download the Product Demonstration file and save it in a folder of your preference.
2nd Step
- Locate the file using the Windows Explorer application.
- Click on the file using the right-side mouse button and, within the options of your decompression program (Winzip, Brazip, etc.), click on the item extract.
3rd Step
- Start the Microsoft Excel program and click on File Open (Arquivo Abrir).
- In the Files Type list (Arquivos do Tipo), select the All Files option (Todos os Arquivos).
- Select the folder in which the quotations file was saved.
4th Step
- Upon opening the file, a Text Import Assistant will automatically appear.
- First, select the Fixed width (Largura fixa) radio Box, select line 2 using the up/down arrows for Initiate import on line: and Windows (ANSI) from the File Source drop down selection list.
5th Step
- Before moving on to the second phase of the Import Assistant, it is necessary to understand the data layout that was printed at the beginning of this procedure (for this conversion, Table 3.1 should be disregarded).
- Table 3.2 contains five columns:
Indicates the format, meaning and the tables attached (pages 4, 5 and 6) that are related to the field.
Indicates the type and size of the field:
N: Numerical;
X: Alphanumerical;
V: Indicates that the number contains a comma;
( ): Number of characters before the comma;
(99): Number of characters after the comma.Examples:
N(03): 3-digit numerical field;
X(10): 10-character alphanumerical field;
N(11)V(99): Numerical field containing 11 characters before the comma and 2 after.INITIAL POSITION AND FINAL POSITION
Indicate where the fields start and finish.
- Table 3.3 should also be disregarded.
6st Step
- Going back to the second phase of the Assistant, the arrows delimit the fields. For this to occur, it is necessary to drag them to the final positions of each field, using the upper ruler for measurement (the divisions correspond to the numbers). To use new arrows, just click on the ruler.
- The delimitation of fields 1 to 10 is shown below:
- The last two decimal places of the Price fields should be considered.
7th Step
- Finish the delimitation, proceed to phase 3 and click on End (Concluir).
8th Step
- Now all you have to do is format the data the way you prefer.