Índices on Demand | B3

Looking for market expansion and seeking to offer more investiment diversification in Brazil, B3 modernized your index creation system, adopting the most advanced tools of Big Data and Agile Methodology offered in market. The result is Indices on Demand, a new proper system that allows to create sophisticated indices in a quick way.

For more information contact [email protected], To access the methodology of our indices, go to: Indices for Segments and Sectors


  • Agility
    Indexes creation obeying the need Time to Market of our clients.

  • Centrality
    A new financial product creation from a B3 own Index makes everything easier..

  • Confiability
    Index governance is solely the responsibility of B3, always complying with strict due diligence criteria.

  • Diversification
    Enables the creation of new products to the investor’s portfolio in different segment.


Discover the first releases of the Indices on Demand:


Publication time

Index Indices On Demand Page Market Data
Time Available Time Available
21h30 to 21h45
D0 21h35 to 21h45 D0
IFMILHO 20h45 to 21h00 D0 20h50 to 21h00 D0
IFBOI 20h55 to 21h10 D0 21h00 to 21h10 D0
IDIVERSA 11h00 to 11h30 D+1 - -
IDAP5 9h30 to 09h45 D+1 9h30 to 09h45 D+1
Ibov Smart Dividends Price Return B3 11h00 até 11h30 D+1 - -

The Indexes available in this page for B3 SA – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), understanding your denomination and respective form of characteristic graphic presentation, calculated, and disclosed from B3, through methods application and own criteria, created through resources and effort of this, are exclusive ownership from B3, deposited or registered towards the INPI – “Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial”. Can be used by third parties only for queries, research and studies, being the quote of this website mandatory. If there is interest on use the Index for other purposes, such as, but not limited to, Indexes creation or derivation data, Indexes use for product or financial instrument’ s referencing, real state value (ex.:options and derivatives), development of any materials or products, for their own benefit or that of third parties, the respective formal authorization must be previously requested from B3. The B3 available Indexes access, through various publications in your digital sites, does not confer any rights, license or own intellectual assignment that allows any kind of Indexes commercial exploration. The B3 not responsible for mistakes or supply delay or Indexes availability, or any decisions based on them.