Empresas.NET System
Empresas.NET - Version
The EmpresasNet system is a program for creating and sending Registration Forms, Reference forms, ITR Quarterly Information Reports and DFP Standardized Financial Statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and to B3. It should be used by companies that are registered with the CVM or that plan to do so, and by companies listed on the markets that the Exchange manages.
- Requirements
This program can only be installed on computers that follow the standard IB3 (PC) and have the .Net Microsoft 4.0 framework or higher, and the operating system windows 7 SP1 or windows 10 on 32-bit or 64-bit architecture. We recommend the use of the Windows 10.0 operating system on 32-bit or 64-bit architecture.
- The download and unzipping of files
- Create a directory (for example, C:\EMPRESASNET), to which will be directed from the downloaded file and the file from the unzipping.
- Download the file below in the created directory (C: \ EmpresasNet, in the example).
- Unzipping files
Use Winzip or similar program to make unzipping the downloaded file, run it and direct the files from unpacking to the directory that was created (C: \ EmpresasNet, in the example).
- Installation
To install the program, simply double-click the EmpresasNet.exe file located in the "C: \ EmpresasNet" where the files unzipped (C: \ EmpresasNet, in the example) or use the START, RUN and type: C : \ EmpresasNet \ EmpresasNet.exe and OK (or ENTER).
NOTE¹: The indication from the C: \ EmpresasNet is a hint towards a standardization. Nothing prevents the files from decompression are placed inside another directory any. The installation program will start, and the first screen will be presented general guidelines, including recommendations for network installation. During the installation process, it will be suggested the EmpresasNet directory to store the program and its files.
Although this directory can be changed, we recommend maintenance, as all future upgrades of this program will be indicated this way.
To make sure that the installation was successful, simply enter the application (Start, Programs, EmpresasNet) and check the version shown in the bottom right corner of the home screen. If this window is labeled "Version: EmpresasNet - V17.0.0.1", the process was successful.
NOTE²: After the installation process, we recommend that the downloaded files in your compressed or uncompressed form, are stored in a specific directory or other media to facilitate eventual resettlement program.
- Technical Support
1) To request a new password or login to send documents, get in contact with CVM IT team, from 8 am to 8 pm, on business days.
- External support service
- +55 0800-770-3030
- [email protected]
2) Doubts about the use and the working of the system, as well as reports of problems and difficulties in sending documents, must be sent to the Issuers Division.
Issuers Division may be contacted through:
- Normal Service: business days, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
- +55 11 2565-5063
- [email protected]
Standby Service: on business days from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and at weekends and on public holidays exclusively by telephone at (+55 11) 2565-5063.
Queries received after 8:00 p.m. on business days and at weekends and on public holidays will be dealt with after 8:00 a.m. of the following business day, except those related to availability of the system for receiving information, which will be dealt with immediately.Normal Service (by email and telephone) shall be extended to midnight on the penultimate and last business day in the case of delivery of the following documents: Standard Financial Statement (DFP), Quarterly Information (ITR), Quarterly Review of Securitization Companies (SEC), Company Reference Form (FRE) and Company Data Form (FCA).