ETFs - Exchange Traded Funds | B3

B3 may list regularly constituted funds with due legal or regulatory authorizations required to exercise their activities. The documents required for investment funds in market indexes (ETF) are incorporation and operation records, duly issued by the CVM in accordance with CVM Instruction 359/02 and amendments thereof.

The fund’s listing automatically grants the right to trade its securities on organized markets managed by B3 for an indefinite term.

  • 1 - Listing rules and procedures

    The listing process of investment funds in market indexes (ETF) on B3 must comply with rules and procedures set out in the Regulations for Issuer Listing and Securities Trading Admission, dated 08/18/2014.

  • 2 - How to request the listing

    The request for listing will be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of B3 and it shall mention the market intended for having securities admitted to negotiation (pocket or counter). The application shall be accompanied by the following information and documents:

    • Annexes 3.5.1 (g) and 6.16.1 (g) of the Issuer’s Manual;
    • Proof of payment of the analysis fee;
    • Documentation for registration (KIT 408), for the necessary formalization of the contractual relationship with the B3 Deposit Center.

    Annexes - Issuer's Manual (portuguese only)

    Issuer's manual (portuguese only)

    Analysis fee (portuguese only)

    KIT 408 (portuguese only)


  • 3 -  Document suB3ission address

    Documents must be forwarded to B3 - under the care of the B3 Monitoring Superintendence of Investment Funds - both in hard copies and electronic means (pen drives or CD-ROMs), sent to one of the following addresses:

    • Praça Antônio Prado, 48, 2º andar
      Centro, São Paulo – SP, CEP 01010-901 ou;
    • Rua do Mercado, 11, 2º andar
      Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, CEP 20010-120
  • 4 - Responsibility of the administrator regarding information and documents
    The administrator is fully liable for the integrity and accuracy of all information and documents suB3itted to B3 for due analysis of listing and security trading admission requests.
  • 5 - Listing requests coinciding with issuer registrations or public offer of securities
    In the event of listing requests filed concurrently to applications for issuer registration or public offer of securities distributions at the CVM, the B3 protocol must be filed on the same date as the CVM protocol.
  • 6 - Listing request analysis deadline
    The initial listing request analysis deadline is 10 business days for investment funds in market indexes (ETF). Such deadline shall be counted upon the date of effective delivery of all applicable documents to B3, and shall not exceed the CVM analysis deadlines set out in applicable regulations
  • 7 - Other requirements
    Other requirements or additional information and document queries eventually required shall be made by B3 under the same manner and within the same time limits set out in the Issuer Manual.