How and why should I become a publicly held company - (portuguese only)
In Brazil, the first formal procedure for the company to go public is to file a request for registration at the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), which is the regulatory and supervisory body in the Brazilian capital market. At the same time, for the company to have their shares and other securities traded, it must request to be listed at B3.
How and why should I become a publicly held company - (portuguese only)
IPO guide – B3 and PricewaterhouseCoopers - (portuguese only)
Guide on how to grow - (portuguese only)
The IPO process begins with the three following steps and lasts for 10 weeks, in average:
1- Preliminary assessment of the benefits of an IPO
2 - Assignment of the independent auditor
3 - Assignment of the leading coordinator
Check each of the previous steps below, week by week