Structured FRA Transaction On Dap Future | B3

Structured FRA Transaction On Dap Future

  • The structured forward rate agreement transaction on DAP Future, is a structured transaction that combines two DAP Future maturities in opposite side (Buy or Sell) with quantities calibrated in order to equalize the Unit Price (UP) of both maturities.

    Because it is a structured transaction, the Product does not represent a new future contract and there is no open positions in the end of the day, but allow the simultaneous trading of two different DAP Future maturities.

  • UnderlyingForward rate between both maturities, compounded daily based on a 252-day year.
    QuotationExpressed as a percentage rate per annum compounded daily based on a 252-day year, to four decimal places.
    Round-lotMultiples of 5 contracts, with a minimum of 5 contracts.
    Contract monthsAll months.
    • More efficiency on trading strategies on DAP
    • Fee schedule model based on strategie´s risk
    • Eliminates the execution risk in independent order books