Hired by issuer | B3

Hired by issuer

Each issuer on B3 has the possibility of hiring 1 market maker to act on its asset. For accreditation in a specific asset, the issuer or the Market Maker participant must send a contract signed by both parties following the model below, to formadordemercadob3@b3.com.br

Market Maker agreement (Contracted by issuer)

The Market Maker can choose between 2 modalities:

Standard contracted: the institution contracted to act as a market maker must comply with the screen parameters required by B3 (Spread and Minimum quantity during a specific time in the trading session), and any other parameter agreed with the issuer.

Specialized Market Maker: the institution hired to act as a market maker can subcontract another institution to comply only with the screen parameters required by B3 (Spread and Minimum quantity during a specific time in the trading session), with the obligation to comply with any other parameter signed with the issuer remains with the contracted institution.

The institution must inform B3 if the chosen modality is Specialist, otherwise the institution will automatically be in the standard contracted modality.

More information about the contracted by issuer (Standard and Specialized) program can be found in Circular letters OC 018/2022 -PRE and OC 098/2023-PRE

Circular letters


1º Date for calculating benefit

2º Date for calculating benefit

CL 018-2022-PRE


Specialized Market Maker Reports Requirements

Subcontracting Term of Market Maker Services

Asset Table (Template for accreditation)

Fee Discount Tiers

Aug. 10, 2023 Feb. 10, 2024

Market Maker activity parameter