Midpoint Order Book | B3
  • About

    Midpoint is a new type of order to be used exclusively for block trading, in which the trade execution price will be the average between the best bid and the best ask prices in the central order book.

    The Midpoint order may exclusively aggress and be aggressed by orders of the same type (that is, only by other Midpoint orders, with no interaction with orders in the central book or with orders from other block trading solutions).

  • Specifications
      Midpoint Order Book
    Products Stocks, BDRs, Real Estate Investment Funds and Units
    Ticker Suffix M (Example: XXXXXM)
    Trading period Regular period – Continuous trading after the opening auction and before the closing auction of the central order book
    Connectivity Access via existing connection to PUMA
    Order type Midpoint Order

    Orders are not published on Market Data.

    Post-trade Complete and immediate disclosure of the trade on Market Data
    Execution price Midpoint of the central order book (average price between the best bid and the best ask offers of the underlying asset in the central book)
    Tunnels There are no auction tunnels. For rejection and hard limits, they will be the same tunnels as the underlying asset in the central order book
    Instrument Status Respects the status of the underlying asset
    Execution criteria Price-time Priority
    Drop Copy Orders and trades
    Market code 21 – BLOCK LOT
  • Recommended applications

    Recommended for operations with liquid securities, for which there is a price reference in the central order book, bringing the benefit of reduction of the execution price.

  • Regras de alocação

    The transactions carried out in large lot solutions cannot be allocated to more than one investor, except for operations involving the ownership of investment funds and managed portfolios whose investment decisions are made by the same manager. Further information can be found in the B3 Operational Procedures Manual and Circular Letter 177-2023 PRE

  • Certified solutions

    Please find below the solutions certified for Midpoint Order Book, for which the publication was authorized. In case of questions, contact us at [email protected]

    Company Solution Version
    ATG Falcon 1.0
    BLK RoboTrader 2.0
    BTG Pactual BTG OMS 1.0
    FIS Global FIS Trading Line Handler 2022.3.0.2
    MBOCHIP SiliconORS2 1.0
    Nelogica Nelogica OMS
    Plug And Trade Fast OMS 2.2