How to certify | B3

MyCTC is the automation tool for the certification process of PUMA Trading System. By using MyCTC, market participants and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) will be able to test and certify their applications.

MyCTC has a series of advantages when compared to the manual process, such as:

  • No need to schedule a session with Trading certification.
  • Automated logs retrieval through MyCTC. It is not necessary to send log files after the certification process.
  • Reduced time for the certification process.
  • Test simulator available to run preliminary tests before certification.
  • On-screen notification of errors for Entrypoint rejections.

The automated certification is available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The certification process comprises to run test scenarios for a product. After a technical analysis by the Certification team (Trading Certification), the participant will receive an e-mail from B3 formalizing the certification and granting access to the production environment to the certified software.


Access link to MyCTC:



Step Pre-requisite Solution SLA
Certification process

The participant sends an e-mail to [email protected] requesting the following forms:

  1. Certification environment access request form;
  2. Agreement form;
  3. VPN request form, if needed;
  4. Session request form;
  5. Printed VPN agreement form.


  1. Validates the connection request form;
  2. Creates the VPN access;
  3. Creates access sessions for the certification environment;
  4. Sends an e-mail to the participant containing technical information for setting the VPN sessions.

Note: The deadline for setting the participant’s environment does not lie with B3.

7,5 days

The participant fills the MyCTC access form

The participant sends the form filled to [email protected]. The participant receives an e-mail informing their registration. The participant confirms their registration

CTC performs the registration of the participant and sends a confirmation e-mail 2 days
3 Begining of certification Certification executed – the duration of this activity can vary according to the maturity of the software to be certified Undefinided
4 Certification finished Report created and sent for B3’s approval 3 days
5 Report approved B3 sends an e-mail to the participant informing about the conclusion of the certification 1 day
6 Report approved Under participant’s request, the software’s data are published on B3’s website 1 day

