How to certify | B3

Manual process

The manual certification process comprises the execution of test scenarios for a product along with a CTC analyst via telephone on a scheduled date for the certification. After technical analysis by the CTC, the participant will receive an e-mail from B3 formalizing the certification and granting access to the production environment to the certified software.

It is out of the certification process scope:

  1. Information security features, such as:
    • Logs and audit trail.
    • Password management according to best practices.
    • Access control according to profile.
  2. Certification of alternative pre-trading risk control tools to the LiNe platform for DMA solutions.
Step Applicant B3 SLA
Certification process
  1. Send e-mail to [email protected] requesting the Environment access request form and Joint agreement of Certification environment;
  2. Fill out Environment access request form and Joint agreement of Certification environment;
  3. Send the Environment request form and Joint agreement to [email protected]


  1. Validates the connection application form;
2 days
  1. Send e-mail to [email protected] requesting the VPN access request form;
  2. Fill out VPN access request form including Unicast (Order Entry) and/or Multicast (Market Data) sessions (for participants without VPN access);
  3. Send the VPN access request form to [email protected]
  1. Creates VPN access;
  2. Sends an e-mail to participant with technical information for VPN session configuration.

NB. The time taken to configure the participant’s environment does not depend on B3.

2 days
3 Participant performs VPN connection validation and send e-mail forwarding by confirming validation to [email protected] Receives the participant’s e-mail confirming the validation. Undefined

Request session creation.

Participants: request session creation through CSNET:

Vendors: Fill out the request session form e send to [email protected]

Create sessions to access the Certification Environment 1 day

Fill out the Scheduling Forms and send to [email protected]


Certification Scripts available at:

Certification Scheduling - the date on which certification begins depends on B3’s schedule. 1 day (After Participant sends the form)
6 Start of certification Certification executed – the time taken by this activity may vary according to the maturity of the software to be certified. Undefined
7 Certification finished and logs sent by the participant to [email protected] . Report produced and sent to B3 for approval. 2 days (After Participant sends the logs)
8 Report approved B3 sends an e-mail notifying the participant that certification is completed. 2 days
9 Publishing of Results Details of the certified software are published on B3 website in response to a request by the participant. 3 days

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