swagger: '2.0' info: description: APIs serão utilizadas nos fluxos de captura, alocação e repasse de negócios do iMercado. #version: 1.0.0 version: 'v1.2' title: Alocação termsOfService: www.dummy.com.br/termosdeuso contact: name: Alocação email: cert@b3.com.br url: http://www.b3.com.br/pt_br/projeto-d-2/documentos/ host: 'verificar_endereço_especifico_no_manual' schemes: - https basePath: /imercado/api tags: - name: TradeLegNotification description: API que retorna os negócios realizados. Esse processo pode ocorrer através dos seguintes processos de negócio ocorridos na Clearing 1. Captura de negócio pelo sistema do Participante diretamente na conta Máster ou conta Final 2.Inclusão de alocação realizada pelo Participante de Negociação Pleno (PNP) ou Participante de Liquidação (PL) a partir de uma conta de titularidade própria para conta Máster ou conta Filhote (ex. inclusão de alocação de conta Captura para conta Máster) 3.Captura de negócio pelo sistema do Participante diretamente na conta Máster ou conta Final com vínculo de repasse (Origem de repasse) - name: TradeNotificationResponse description: API para aceitar/reprovar negócios capturados. - name: SecuritiesAllocationInstruction description: API para solicitar a inclusão de informações de alocação por negócio (identificação de conta de comitente final e demais informações necessárias para fins de liquidação) e envio de repasse de negócio. - name: SecuritiesLotAllocationInstruction description: API para solicitar a inclusão de informações de alocação em lote (identificação de conta de comitente final e demais informações necessárias para fins de liquidação). - name: SecuritiesAllocationInstructionStatusAdvice description: API que informa - Situação da alocação solicitada por negócio ou lote. - Situação da exclusão da alocação. - Situação do Repasse. - O valor financeiro bruto da alocação - name: SecuritiesAllocationInstructionCancellation description: API que solicita a exclusão da alocação do negócio. - name: TradeLegNotificationCancellation description: API que informa o cancelamento de negócio. - name: InvoiceNotification description: API que retorna informações da nota de corretagem, após fechamento realizado no sistema do Participante. - name: ETFTradeNotification description: API que retorna as operações de Integralização/Resgate de ETF Primário e atualização de Preço/ Ajuste de ETF realizado no Mercado Primário. - name: InformGiveUpPendingApproval description: API que retorna a realização de um negócio com repasse que deve ser aprovado ou reprovado pelo Gestor. - name: ResponseGiveUpAcceptanceOrRejection description: API para aceitar/rejeitar o repasse. - name: FinancialValueApprovalResponse description: API que para validar o valor financeiro líquido por negócio/alocação. - name: SecuritiesAllocatedNetAmountNotification description: API que informa o valor financeiro líquido por negócio. paths: /v1.0/TradeLegNotification: get: tags: - TradeLegNotification summary: Returns all business carried out in a Master account or in a child account. description: Retorna todos os negócios realizado em conta Máster ou em conta Filhote. operationId: imba500Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba500Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/TradeNotificationResponse: post: tags: - TradeNotificationResponse summary: Approve or Reject a trade done by the Full Trading Participant. description: Aprova ou Rejeita um negócio realizado pelo Participante de Negociação Pleno. operationId: imba501post responses: '200': description: TradeNotificationResponse successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba501Rsppost' parameters: - in: body name: TradeNotificationResponseReqpost description: '' required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba501Reqpost' /v1.0/SecuritiesAllocationInstruction: post: tags: - SecuritiesAllocationInstruction summary: Request inclusion of Master account allocation for child account per business. description: Solicita inclusão de alocação de conta Máster para conta Filhote por negócio. operationId: imba502post responses: '200': description: SecuritiesAllocationInstruction successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba502Rsppost' parameters: - in: body name: SecuritiesAllocationInstructionReqpost description: '' required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba502Reqpost' /v1.0/SecuritiesLotAllocationInstruction: post: tags: - SecuritiesLotAllocationInstruction summary: Request inclusion of Master account allocation for lot child account. description: Solicita inclusão de alocação de conta Máster para conta Filhote em lote. operationId: imba503post responses: '200': description: SecuritiesLotAllocationInstruction successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba503Rsppost' parameters: - in: body name: SecuritiesLotAllocationInstructionReqpost description: '' required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba503Reqpost' /v1.0/SecuritiesAllocationInstructionStatusAdvice: get: tags: - SecuritiesAllocationInstructionStatusAdvice summary: Returns the status of the allocation, exclusion of allocation, transfer and gross financial value per allocation. description: Retorna a situação da alocação, exclusão da alocação, repasse e valor financeiro bruto por alocação. operationId: imba504Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba504Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/SecuritiesAllocationInstructionCancellation: post: tags: - SecuritiesAllocationInstructionCancellation summary: Request exclusion from allocation. description: Solicita exclusão da alocação. operationId: imba505post responses: '200': description: SecuritiesAllocationInstructionCancellation successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba505Rsppost' parameters: - in: body name: SecuritiesAllocationInstructionCancellationReqpost description: '' required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba505Reqpost' /v1.0/TradeLegNotificationCancellation: get: tags: - TradeLegNotificationCancellation summary: Returns all canceled trades. description: Retorna todos os negócios cancelados. operationId: imba506Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba506Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/InvoiceNotification: get: tags: - InvoiceNotification summary: Returns the broker note information. description: Retorna as informações de nota de corretagem. operationId: imba507Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba507Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/ETFTradeNotification: get: tags: - ETFTradeNotification summary: Returns the Primary ETF Payment / Redemption operations and ETF Price / Adjustment adjustment performed in the Primary Market. description: Retorna as operações de Integralização/Resgate de ETF Primário e atualização de Preço/ Ajuste de ETF realizado no Mercado Primário. operationId: imba508Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba508Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/InformGiveUpPendingApproval: get: tags: - InformGiveUpPendingApproval summary: Returns the performance of a deal with a transfer that must be approved or disapproved by the Manager. description: Retorna a realização de um negócio com repasse que deve ser aprovado ou reprovado pelo Gestor. operationId: imba509Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba509Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/ResponseGiveUpAcceptanceOrRejection: post: tags: - ResponseGiveUpAcceptanceOrRejection summary: Approve or Reject a transfer. description: Aprova ou Rejeita um repasse. operationId: imba510post responses: '200': description: ResponseGiveUpAcceptanceOrRejection successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba510Rsppost' parameters: - in: body name: ResponseGiveUpAcceptanceOrRejectionReqpost description: '' required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba510Reqpost' /v1.0/SecuritiesAllocatedNetAmountNotification: get: tags: - SecuritiesAllocatedNetAmountNotification summary: Returns the net financial value per trade. description: Retorna o valor financeiro líquido por negócio. operationId: imba522Reqget parameters: - name: SeqNumBegin in: query description: Numero sequencial inicial type: integer format: int64 - name: SeqNumEnd in: query description: Numero sequencial final type: integer format: int64 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba522Rspget' '202': description: ACCEPTED '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Not Found '500': description: Internal Server Error '501': description: Not Implemented '503': description: Service Unavailable /v1.0/FinancialValueApprovalResponse: post: tags: - FinancialValueApprovalResponse summary: Approve or Reject the net financial value per trade / allocation. description: Aprova ou Rejeita o valor financeiro líquido por negócio/alocação. operationId: imba521post responses: '200': description: FinancialValueApprovalResponse successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba521Rsppost' parameters: - in: body name: FinancialValueApprovalResponseReqpost description: '' required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/imba521Reqpost' definitions: imba500Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba500Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' TradeLegNotification: type: object properties: ClearingMember: $ref: '#/definitions/ClearingMember' ClearingAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/ClearingAccount' TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeLegIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = 0. example: 0 TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: TradeExecutionIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = 0. example: 0 OrderIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 26 description: This field is not used by the B3. Unique identifier for Order assigned by the trading system. example: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identifies the portion of assets within a determined trade that shall be allocated to different clients. example: TradeDate: type: string format: dateTime description: Provides the date and time of trade transaction. example: '2001-12-31T12:00:00' FinancialInstrumentIdentification: type: object properties: ISIN: type: string description: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. example: 'BRVALEACNPA3' BuySellIndicator: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' TradeQuantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 23.5666 DealPrice: type: object properties: Value: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd8DecimalAmount' GrossAmount: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount' PlaceOfTrade: type: object properties: Type: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = EXCH. enum: - EXCH example: 'EXCH' TradeType: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = LKTR. enum: - LKTR example: 'LKTR' TradingParty: $ref: '#/definitions/TradingParty' TradeRegistrationOrigin: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Indicates trade session origin. E.g. DMA1, DMA3, REPS, COL00, COL01, CME, etc. example: 'DMA3' TradingCapacity: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = PRIN. enum: - PRIN example: 'PRIN' SettlementDetails: type: object properties: SettlementAmount: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveCurrencyAndAmount' SupplementaryData: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. example: Envelope: type: object properties: Contents: type: object properties: Identifications: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. xPath to the element that is being extended //Document/TradLegNtfctn example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctn' TransactionIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Unambiguous identification of the transaction as known by the instructing party. example: AllocationInformation: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. xPath to the element that is being extended //Document/TradLegNtfctn example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctn' SubAccount: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 description: Identification of the sub account. example: 12345 CustodianIdentificationAndAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/CustodianIdentificationAndAccount' AllocationDetails: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. xPath to the element that is being extended //Document/TradLegNtfctn example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctn' SecurityAccountType: type: integer description: Identifies the Account Type in which the trade is allocated. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode FinancialInstrumentAttributesInformation: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. xPath to the element that is being extended //Document/TradLegNtfctn example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctn' TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: 'BVMF3' DistributionIdentification: type: integer description: Distribution code of the paper corresponding to the active state of law. example: Segment: type: integer description: A Segment represents the first level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Equity - Cash 2 - Equity derivative 3 - Corporate bonds 4 - Agribusiness 5 - Financial 6 - Metal 7 - Energy 8 - Gov. Bonds 9 - FX This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSegmentCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSegmentCode Market: type: integer description: A Market represents the Second level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Spot Market 2 - Futures Market 3 - Options on Spot 4 - Options on Futures 5 - Forward 10 - Cash 12 - Options exercise (call) 13 - Options exercise (put) 17 - Auction 20 - Odd Lot 30 - Equity Forward 70 - Equity Call 80 - Equity Put This field requires an external code list. These codes and values were made in external spreadsheets to enable flexible maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the B3 updates. In this case the external is ExternalMarketCode example: ExternalMarketCode CurrentFactor: type: number multipleOf: 0.000000001 description: Rate expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1 defining the outstanding principal of the financial instrument (for factored securities). decimal fractionDigits = 10 totalDigits = 11 example: 2.23 OptionType: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: Option type expressed as an ISO 20022 code. The valid codes are CALL and PUTT. enum: - CALL - PUTT example: 'CALL' TradeLegDetailsExtension: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. XPath to the element that is being extended is //Document/TradLegNtfctn/TradLegDtls example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctn/TradLegDtls' TradingSessionIdentification: type: integer description: Indicates if the trade has been done on regular or non regular trade (after market). This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalTradingSessionIdentificationCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: 'ExternalTradingSessionIdentificationCode' TradeSubType: type: integer description: Further qualification to the trade type. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalTradeSubTypeCode the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls Eg 37 Cross trade 43 Auction Trade 1000 Trade was inserted by market ops on-behalf of firm 1001 Termo Vista 1002 Termo Vista Registered example: 'ExternalTradingSessionIdentificationCode' DaysToSettlement: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: Indicates number of days settlement in a forward´s contract (equities). example: PaymentType: type: integer description: This field identifies the settlement type . This filed requires an externalcodelist. These codes and values were made in external sheets to allow the flexible maintenance according to the update requirements at B3. In this case, the external is ExternalPaymentTypeCode on the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. Specifies how the transaction is to be settled, for example, 0 - Netting 1 - Gross 2 - Without Financial Transfer 3 - Between Parts example: TradeTransactionType: type: integer description: Specifies the type of transaction of which the order is a component. This filed requires an externalcodelist. These codes and values were made in external sheets to allow the flexible maintenance according to the update requirements at B3. In this case, the external is ExternalTradeTransactionTypeCode on the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. E.g 0 Regular Trade 29 Exercise Complement 38 Block Trade (BTF) 45 Options Exercise 56 Opening Trade example: BacenAuctionDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/BacenAuctionDetails' StrategyTrade: type: object properties: ShortFuturePrice: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd3DecimalAmount' LongFuturePrice: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd3DecimalAmount' Delta: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd7DecimalAmount' ExercisePrice: type: object properties: Value: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd8DecimalAmount' TradingSessionSubIdentification: type: integer description: Identifier for the instrument group phase. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalTradingSessionSubIdentificationCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: 'ExternalTradingSessionSubIdentificationCode' SecurityTradingStatus: type: integer description: Identifier for the instrument phase. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSecurityTradingStatusCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: 'ExternalSecurityTradingStatusCode' TraderIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Indicates the trader code. example: PublicOffer: type: object properties: OfferingNumber: type: integer format: int32 description: It indicates the original offering code. example: OfferingType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: Provides the offering type code. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external is ExternalOfferingTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: 'ExternalOfferingTypeCode' CollateralOfferIndicator: type: string description: Identify if the offer is with collateral or without collateral. 1 = with collateral 2 = without collateral example: 'ExternalOfferingTypeCode' SideTradeSubType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: Identify the strategy sub type. example: StrategyType: type: string description: Strategy type definition. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalStrategyTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: TradingDeskIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Identifier for the trading desk or strategy. example: GiveUpInformation: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. XPath to the element that is being extended is //Document/TradLegNtfctn. example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctn' GiveUpOnCaptureIndicator: type: boolean description: Indicates if the captured account has a give up link to an account on another participant. example: 'true' TradeParticipantIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TradeParticipantIdentification' imba501Rsppost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' BusinessStatusError: $ref: '#/definitions/BusinessStatusError' imba501Reqpost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' TradeNotificationResponse: type: object properties: Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' References: $ref: '#/definitions/References' TradingSecurityInformation: type: object properties: Segment: type: integer description: A Segment represents the first level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Equity - Cash 2 - Equity derivative 3 - Corporate bonds 4 - Agribusiness 5 - Financial 6 - Metal 7 - Energy 8 - Gov. Bonds 9 - FX This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSegmentCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSegmentCode Status: type: object properties: AffirmationStatus: $ref: '#/definitions/AffirmationStatus' StatusDate: type: object properties: DateTime: type: string format: datetime description: Numeric representation of time of the day and the day of the month and year. example: '2001-12-31T12:00:00' imba502Rsppost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' BusinessStatusError: $ref: '#/definitions/BusinessStatusError' imba502Reqpost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' SecuritiesAllocationInstruction: type: object properties: PaginationInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/PaginationInformation' Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' Reference: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: 1 TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2001-12-31' TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: 1 Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' FinancialInstrumentIdentification: type: object FinancialInstrumentAttributes: $ref: '#/definitions/FinancialInstrumentAttributes' AllocationDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: IndividualAllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Individual Allocation ID. Control ID assigned on each allocation request message by the participant. This number allows participants match the allocation leg request and the response. example: 1234565555 CustodianIdentificationAndAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/CustodianIdentificationAndAccount' PartyIdentificationAndAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentificationAndAccount' Quantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 2.00 SubAccount: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 description: Identification of the sub account. example: 12345 imba503Rsppost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' BusinessStatusError: $ref: '#/definitions/BusinessStatusError' imba503Reqpost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' SecuritiesLotAllocationInstruction: type: object properties: PaginationInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/PaginationInformation' Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeDate: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2018-09-06' Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' FinancialInstrumentAttributes: $ref: '#/definitions/FinancialInstrumentAttributes' DistributionCriteriaDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: DistributionCriteria: type: string maxLength: 2 description: Criteria that have been used to distribute in the allocation process. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalDistributionCriteriaCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: 1234565555 SourcePartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SourcePartyIdentification' AdditionalInformation: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Additional information about the Strategy. example: TradeParticipantIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TradeParticipantIdentification' OrderIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Unique identifier for Order as assigned by sell-side. example: 1234 AllocationDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: IndividualAllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Individual Allocation ID. Control ID assigned on each allocation request message by the participant. This number allows participants match the allocation leg request and the response. example: 1234565555 CustodianIdentificationAndAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/CustodianIdentificationAndAccount' PartyIdentificationAndAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentificationAndAccount' SubAccount: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 description: Identification of the sub account. example: 12345 Quantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 Price: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' PercentageAmount: type: object properties: Percentage: type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000001 description: Percentage of amount invested in a funds. decimal fractionDigits = 10 totalDigits = 11 example: 0.1234567891 imba504Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba504Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' SecuritiesAllocationInstructionStatusAdvice: type: object properties: PaginationInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/PaginationInformation' Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' References: $ref: '#/definitions/References' PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2018-09-06' TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: Side: type: string description: string Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' FinancialInstrumentAttributes: $ref: '#/definitions/FinancialInstrumentAttributes' AllocationInformation: type: array items: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: '123456555' IndividualAllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Individual Allocation ID. Control ID assigned on each allocation request message by the participant. This number allows participants match the allocation leg request and the response. example: '1234565555' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' SecurityAccountType: type: integer description: Identifies the Account Type in which the trade is allocated. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode AllocatedQuantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 CustodianIdentificationAndAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/CustodianIdentificationAndAccount' SubAccount: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 description: Identification of the sub account. example: '123456555' GrossTradeAmount: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount' CreditDebitIndicator: type: string description: Indicates whether an entry is a credit or a debit. enum: - CRDT - DBIT example: 'CRED' AllocationStatus: type: object properties: ProprietaryStatus: type: object properties: StatusCode: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: Provides a proprietary status of each processing requested. This field requires an external code list. These codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external file is ExternalStatusAllocationAdviceCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: ErrorIdentification: type: array items: type: object properties: RuleIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: Code identification related to the rule that was violated by the rejected message. example: AllocationInstructionStatus: type: object properties: ProprietaryStatus: type: object properties: StatusCode: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: Provides a proprietary status of each processing requested. This field requires an external code list. These codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external file is ExternalStatusAllocationAdviceCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: ErrorIdentification: type: array items: type: object properties: RuleIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: Code identification related to the rule that was violated by the rejected message. example: imba505Rsppost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' BusinessStatusError: $ref: '#/definitions/BusinessStatusError' imba505Reqpost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' SecuritiesAllocationInstructionCancellation: type: object properties: Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' FinancialInstrumentIdentification: type: object properties: OtherIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification of a security. example: Type: type: object properties: Code: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = EXCH. example: 'EXCH' FinancialInstrumentAttributes: $ref: '#/definitions/FinancialInstrumentAttributes' TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2018-09-06' TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: 1 Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' References: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: IndividualAllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Individual Allocation ID. Control ID assigned on each allocation request message by the participant. This number allows participants match the allocation leg request and the response Quantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' imba506Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba506Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' TradeLegNotificationCancellation: type: object properties: ClearingMember: $ref: '#/definitions/ClearingMember' ClearingAccount: $ref: '#/definitions/ClearingAccount' TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identifies the portion of assets within a determined trade that shall be allocated to different clients. example: TradeDate: type: string format: datetime description: Provides the date and time of trade transaction. example: '2001-12-31T12:00:00' SettlementDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Date expressed as a calendar date. example: '2001-12-31' FinancialInstrumentIdentification: type: object properties: ISIN: type: string description: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. example: 'BRVALEACNPA3' BuySellIndicator: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' TradeQuantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 PlaceOfTrade: type: object properties: Type: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = EXCH. enum: - EXCH example: 'EXCH' PlaceOfListing: type: object properties: Identification: type: object properties: MarketIdentifierCode: type: string description: Market Identifier Code. Identification of the exchange as stipulated in the ISO 10383 standard "Codes for exchanges and market identifications". This tag is optional and if no Securities Exchange is provided - it is assumed to be a B3 instrument. Default Value = "BVMF" (SecurityExchange) Type: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It must be filled with the Default Value = EXCH. enum: - EXCH example: 'EXCH' TradeType: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = LKTR. enum: - LKTR example: 'LKTR' TradingParty: $ref: '#/definitions/TradingParty' TradingCapacity: type: string description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = PRIN. enum: - PRIN example: 'PRIN' SettlementDetails: type: object properties: SettlementAmount: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveCurrencyAndAmount' SupplementaryData: type: array items: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. example: Envelope: type: object properties: Contents: type: object properties: Identifications: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. xPath to the element that is being extended //Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl' TransactionIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Unambiguous identification of the transaction as known by the instructing party. example: FinancialInstrumentAttributesInformation: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. XPath to the element that is being extended is //Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl. example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl' TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: 'BVMF3' DistributionIdentification: type: integer description: Distribution code of the paper corresponding to the active state of law. example: TradeLegDetailsExtension: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. XPath to the element that is being extended is //Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl/TradLegDtls. example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl/TradLegDtls' TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: LotCode: type: integer description: A Unique identification for this ETF operation in the depository. example: GiveUpOnCaptureIndicator: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. XPath to the element that is being extended is //Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl. example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl' GiveUpOnCaptureIndicator: type: boolean description: Indicates if the captured account has a give up link to an account on another participant. example: TradeLegInformationCancellation: type: object properties: PlaceAndName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 description: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. XPath to the element that is being extended is //Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl. example: '//Document/TradLegNtfctnCxl' TradeLegDetailsCancellation: type: object properties: TradeCancellationDateTime: type: string format: datetime description: Trade Cancellation Date and Time. example: '2001-12-31T12:00:00' TradeRemainingQuantity: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Remaining Quantity of the trade. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 CancellationJustification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Inform the cancellation of the trade justification. example: imba507Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba507Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' InvoiceNotification: type: object properties: PaginationInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/PaginationInformation' TradingParty: $ref: '#/definitions/TradingParty' InvoiceDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: InvoiceIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 9 description: It Identifies each invoice. example: '123456555' CancelledInvoiceIndicator: type: boolean description: It indicates whether the invoice was cancelled. example: 'true' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' SecurityAccountType: type: integer description: Identifies the Account Type in which the trade is allocated. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode ServiceTaxPaymentCity: type: object properties: TownName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. example: TradeAndInstrumentDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: FinancialInstrumentAttributes: type: object properties: TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: 1 Segment: type: integer description: A Segment represents the first level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Equity - Cash 2 - Equity derivative 3 - Corporate bonds 4 - Agribusiness 5 - Financial 6 - Metal 7 - Energy 8 - Gov. Bonds 9 - FX This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSegmentCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSegmentCode Market: type: integer description: A Market represents the Second level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Spot Market 2 - Futures Market 3 - Options on Spot 4 - Options on Futures 5 - Forward 10 - Cash 12 - Options exercise (call) 13 - Options exercise (put) 17 - Auction 20 - Odd Lot 30 - Equity Forward 70 - Equity Call 80 - Equity Put This field requires an external code list. These codes and values were made in external spreadsheets to enable flexible maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the B3 updates. In this case the external is ExternalMarketCode example: ExternalMarketCode ExpirationDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Date expressed as a calendar date. example: '2001-12-31' SettlementDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Date expressed as a calendar date. example: '2001-12-31' TradeDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Date expressed as a calendar date. example: '2001-12-31' DaysToSettlement: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: Indicates number of days settlement in a forward´s contract. example: BillingServiceTypeIdentification: type: integer description: Provides identification about billing service type. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external is ExternalBillingServiceTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: BuySellIndicator: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' TradeQuantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 DealPrice: type: object properties: Amount: type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000000001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 13 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.1234567891234 GrossTradeAmount: type: object properties: Amount: type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000000001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 13 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.1234567891234 InstrumentAdjustedValue: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' PaymentType: type: integer description: Specifies how the transaction is to be settled, for example, against payment. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalPaymentTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: 'ExternalPaymentTypeCode' DayTradeIndicator: type: boolean description: It indicates whether is a day trade transaction or no. example: 'true' TradeRegistrationOrigin: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Indicates trade session origin. E.g DMA1, DMA3, REPS, COL00, COL01, CME, etc. example: 'true' InvoiceValues: type: array items: type: object properties: ExpensesType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: It indicates the type of expenses contained in the invoice. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external is ExternalExpensesTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls.. example: OtherExpensesDescription: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 15 description: It describes others expenses. example: CreditDebit: type: object properties: CreditDebitIndicator: type: string description: Indicates whether an entry is a credit or a debit. enum: - CRDT - DBIT example: 'CRED' ExpensesValue: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' imba508Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba508Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' ETFTradeNotification: type: object properties: PaginationInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/PaginationInformation' Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' ETFTradeInformation: type: object properties: LotCode: type: integer description: A Unique identification for this ETF operation in the depository. example: ETFType: type: integer description: This field is used for information of ETF Type. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalETFTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: 'true' TradeDate: type: string format: date description: Provides the date of trade transaction. example: '2001-12-31' OperationType: type: integer description: Informs if the operation is currently a creation or a redemption. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalOperationTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: DaysToSettlement: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: Indicates number of days to settlement. example: PaymentType: type: integer description: Specifies how the transaction is to be settled, for example, 0 - Netting 1 - Gross 2 - Without Financial Transfer 3 - Between Parts This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalPaymentTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: MovementType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: This field identifies if the quantities/values informed in the message are provisory or final ones. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalMovementTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: FundAdministrationRate: type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000001 description: This field informs the management fee of the fund. The fund reports the value and B3 uses the data to generate the financial negotiation. decimal fractionDigits = 10 totalDigits = 11 example: 0.1234567891 AdjustmentValue: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' OtherValues: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' ETFTradeDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' TradeQuantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 DealPrice: type: object properties: Value: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' FinancialInstrumentAttributes: type: object properties: Segment: type: integer description: A Segment represents the first level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Equity - Cash 2 - Equity derivative 3 - Corporate bonds 4 - Agribusiness 5 - Financial 6 - Metal 7 - Energy 8 - Gov. Bonds 9 - FX This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSegmentCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: Market: type: integer description: A Market represents the Second level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Spot Market 2 - Futures Market 3 - Options on Spot 4 - Options on Futures 5 - Forward 10 - Cash 12 - Options exercise (call) 13 - Options exercise (put) 17 - Auction 20 - Odd Lot 30 - Equity Forward 70 - Equity Call 80 - Equity Put This field requires an external code list. These codes and values were made in external spreadsheets to enable flexible maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the B3 updates. In this case the external is ExternalMarketCode example: SecurityIdentification: type: object properties: TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: Allocation: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' SecurityAccountType: type: integer description: Identifies the Account Type in which the trade is allocated. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: CustodianInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/CustodianInformation' SubAccountIdentification: type: object properties: SubAccount: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 description: Sub account identification. example: GiveUpInformation: type: object properties: GiveUpOnCapture: type: boolean description: Indicates if the captured account has a give up link to an account on another participant. example: 'true' imba509Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba509Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' InformGiveUpPendingApproval: type: object properties: Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' SourcePartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SourcePartyIdentification' DestinationPartyInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/DestinationPartyInformation' AccountDetails: type: object properties: SecurityAccountType: type: integer description: Identifies the Account Type in which the trade is allocated. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: 'ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode' GiveUpInformation: type: object properties: Quantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 FinancialInstrumentIdentification: type: object properties: ISIN: type: string description: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation''s International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. example: 'BRVALEACNPA3' SecurityIdentification: type: object properties: TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: FinancialInstrumentAttributes: type: object properties: DistributionIdentification: type: integer description: Distribution code of the paper corresponding to the active state of law. example: Segment: type: integer description: A Segment represents the first level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Equity - Cash 2 - Equity derivative 3 - Corporate bonds 4 - Agribusiness 5 - Financial 6 - Metal 7 - Energy 8 - Gov. Bonds 9 - FX This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSegmentCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: 'ExternalSegmentCode' Market: type: integer description: A Market represents the Second level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Spot Market 2 - Futures Market 3 - Options on Spot 4 - Options on Futures 5 - Forward 10 - Cash 12 - Options exercise (call) 13 - Options exercise (put) 17 - Auction 20 - Odd Lot 30 - Equity Forward 70 - Equity Call 80 - Equity Put This field requires an external code list. These codes and values were made in external spreadsheets to enable flexible maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the B3 updates. In this case the external is ExternalMarketCode example: ExternalMarketCode CurrentFactor: type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000001 description: Rate expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1 defining the outstanding principal of the financial instrument (for factored securities). decimal fractionDigits = 10 totalDigits = 11 example: 0.1234567891 OptionType: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: Option type expressed as an ISO 20022 code.The valid codes are CALL and PUTT. enum: - CALL - PUTT example: 'CALL' ExercisePrice: type: object properties: Value: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd7DecimalAmount' TradeDetails: type: object properties: TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade Identification example: Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' TradingSessionIdentification: type: integer description: Identification of a specific execution time bracket code through its trading session name or description. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalTradingSessionIdentificationCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls example: 'ExternalTradingSessionIdentificationCode' TradeRegistrationOrigin: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Indicates trade session origin. E.g, DMA1, DMA3, REPS, COL00, COL01, CME, etc. example: 'DMA3' TradingSessionSubIdentification: type: integer format: int32 description: Identifier for the instrument group phase. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalTradingSessionSubIdentificationCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls example: 'ExternalTradingSessionSubIdentificationCode' SecurityTradingStatus: type: integer format: int32 description: Identifier for the instrument phase. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSecurityTradingStatusCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls example: 'ExternalSecurityTradingStatusCode' OrderIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 26 description: Unique identifier for Order assigned by the trading system. This attribute will be filled in if the requester is Trading Participant or Direct Participant. example: SecondaryTradeMatchIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: Assigned by the matching engine. Used to link UDS Leg reports. example: TraderIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: 'Indicates the trader code.' example: TradeSubType: type: integer format: int32 description: Further qualification to the trade type. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalTradeSubTypeCode the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: 'ExternalTradeSubTypeCode' SideTradeSubType: type: string description: Identify the strategy sub type. example: StrategyType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: Strategy type definition. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalStrategyTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls example: 'ExternalStrategyTypeCode' DaysToSettlement: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: Indicates number of days settlement in a forward´s contract (equities). example: PaymentType: type: integer description: Specifies how the transaction is to be settled. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalPaymentTypeCode the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: 'ExternalPaymentTypeCode' TradeTransactionType: type: integer format: int32 description: Specifies the type of trade. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalTradeTransactionTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls E.g 0 -Regular trade 29-Exercise complement 38-Block Trade 45-Options exercise example: 29 DealPrice: type: object properties: Value: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd8DecimalAmount' StrategyTrade: type: object properties: ShortFuturePrice: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd3DecimalAmount' LongFuturePrice: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd3DecimalAmount' Delta: $ref: '#/definitions/RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd7DecimalAmount' TradeDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2001-12-31' TradingDeskIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Identifier for the trading desk or strategy. example: GiveUpDateAndTime: type: object properties: DateTime: type: string format: datetime description: Numeric representation of time of the day and the day of the month and year example: '2001-12-31T12:00:00' BacenAuctionDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/BacenAuctionDetails' Reference: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: AllocationStatusAdvice: type: object properties: ProprietaryStatus: type: object properties: StatusCode: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: Provides a status for the pending (pending give-up approval or pending take-up cancellation approval). This field requires an external code list. In this case the external file is ExternalStatusAllocationAdviceCode in the file' 'ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: '3- Pending Give Up Approval' TradeParticipantIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TradeParticipantIdentification' ETFTradeInformation: type: object properties: LotCode: type: integer description: A Unique identification for this ETF operation in the depository. example: ETFType: type: integer description: This field is used for information of ETF Type. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalETFTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: 'ExternalETFTypeCode' OperationType: type: integer description: Informs if the operation is currently a creation or a redemption. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalOperationTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: 'ExternalOperationTypeCode' MovementType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: This field identifies if the quantities/values informed in the message are provisory or final ones. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalMovementTypeCode at ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO_BVMF.xls. example: 'ExternalMovementTypeCode' FundAdministrationRate: type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000001 description: This field informs the management fee of the fund. The fund reports the value and BVMF uses the data to generate the financial negotiation. decimal fractionDigits = 10 totalDigits = 11 example: 0.1234567891 AdjustmentValue: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' OtherValues: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' imba510Rsppost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' BusinessStatusError: $ref: '#/definitions/BusinessStatusError' imba510Reqpost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' ResponseGiveUpAcceptanceOrRejection: type: object properties: Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' References: $ref: '#/definitions/References' PartyInformation: type: object properties: PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' FinancialInstrumentIdentification: type: object properties: ISIN: type: string description: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. example: 'BRVALEACNPA3' OtherIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification of a security. example: Type: type: object properties: Code: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: This field is not used by the B3. It should be filled with the default value = EXCH. example: 'EXCH' SecurityIdentification: type: object properties: TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' Status: type: object properties: AffirmationStatus: $ref: '#/definitions/AffirmationStatus' imba521Rsppost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' BusinessStatusError: $ref: '#/definitions/BusinessStatusError' imba521Reqpost: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' FinancialValueApproval: type: object properties: Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' References: $ref: '#/definitions/References' PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' FinancialValueStatus: type: array items: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: '232236' Status: type: object properties: AffirmationStatus: $ref: '#/definitions/AffirmationStatus' AdditionalReasonInformation: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 210 description: Provides additional information about the reject reason. example: imba522Rspget: type: object properties: Listimba522Rspget: type: array items: type: object properties: TechnicalInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/TechnicalInformation' ApplicationHeader: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationHeader' SecuritiesAllocatedNetAmountNotification: type: object properties: PaginationInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/PaginationInformation' Identifications: $ref: '#/definitions/Identifications' PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' TradeLegDetails: type: object properties: TradeDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2001-12-31' TradeIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Trade identification. example: Side: type: string description: Coded list to specify the side of the trade. The valid codes are BUYI and SELL. enum: - BUYI - SELL example: 'BUYI' SecurityIdentification: type: object properties: TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: NetAmountDetails: type: array items: type: object properties: AllocationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Allocation ID number provided by B3. example: AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' SecurityAccountType: type: integer description: Identifies the Account Type in which the trade is allocated. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external is ExternalSecurityAccountTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: Quantity: type: object properties: Unit: type: number multipleOf: 0.00000000000000001 description: Quantity expressed as a number. decimal fractionDigits = 17 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345678912345678 SubAccount: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5 description: Identification of the sub account. example: 12345 CustodianInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/CustodianInformation' InvoiceValues: type: array items: type: object properties: ExpensesType: type: string maxLength: 2 description: It indicates the type of expenses contained in the invoice. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external is ExternalExpensesTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: OtherExpensesDescription: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 15 description: It describes others expenses. example: CreditDebit: type: object properties: CreditDebitIndicator: type: string description: Indicates whether an entry is a credit or a debit. enum: - CRDT - DBIT example: 'CRDT' ExpensesValue: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount' GrossTradeAmount: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount' CreditDebitIndicator: type: string description: Indicates whether an entry is a credit or a debit. enum: - CRDT - DBIT example: 'CRED' NetGainLoss: type: object properties: Amount: $ref: '#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount' CreditDebitIndicator: type: string description: Indicates whether an entry is a credit or a debit. enum: - CRDT - DBIT example: 'CRED' ServiceTaxPaymentCity: type: object properties: TownName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. example: PaginationInformation: type: object properties: Identification: type: object properties: PaginationIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Unique identification for the group partitioned messages. example: 1 Pagination: type: object properties: PageNumber: type: string description: Page number. [0-9]{1,5} example: 1 LastPageIndicator: type: boolean description: Indicates the last page. example: true References: type: object properties: Reference: type: object properties: ExecutingPartyTransactionIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification of the confirmation transaction as known by the executing party. example: 123665 AffirmationStatus: type: object properties: Code: type: string description: AFFI = Acceptance and NAFI = Rejection. enum: - AFFI - NAFI example: 'AFFI' BacenAuctionDetails: type: object properties: BacenAuctionIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 8 description: BACEN´s communication number. example: AuctionProposalIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 6 description: Number of BACEN´s Auction Proposal. example: SelicAccountIdentification: type: string description: Selic Account ID. [0-9]{1,9} example: StartPositionDate: type: object properties: Date: type: string format: date description: Specified date. example: '2001-12-31' FinancialInstrumentAttributes: type: object properties: TickerSymbol: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Ticker that identifies a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and convenient way of identifying a stock. example: 1 Segment: type: integer description: A Segment represents the first level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Equity - Cash 2 - Equity derivative 3 - Corporate bonds 4 - Agribusiness 5 - Financial 6 - Metal 7 - Energy 8 - Gov. Bonds 9 - FX This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from BVMF. In this case the external file is ExternalSegmentCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalSegmentCode Market: type: integer description: A Market represents the Second level of market classification in the post trade process. Example 1 - Spot Market 2 - Futures Market 3 - Options on Spot 4 - Options on Futures 5 - Forward 10 - Cash 12 - Options exercise (call) 13 - Options exercise (put) 17 - Auction 20 - Odd Lot 30 - Equity Forward 70 - Equity Call 80 - Equity Put This field requires an external code list. These codes and values were made in external spreadsheets to enable flexible maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the B3 updates. In this case the external is ExternalMarketCode example: ExternalMarketCode Identifications: type: object properties: TransactionIdentification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Unique transaction ID, known by the participant. example: 24255 ProprietaryIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Unique and unambiguous identifier, as assigned to a financial institution using a proprietary identification scheme. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements from B3. In this case the external identification is ExternalRole in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. The identification of the party must be informed in the standard below = Role+PartyIdentification e.g 3-123456,where 3 means TP (Trading Participant). example: Issuer: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Entity that assigns the identification.e.g iMercado. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements. In this case the external is ExternalIssuerCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls example: ExternalIssuerCode SchemeName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification type code. E.g. CÓDIGO PARTICIPANTE IMERCADO. This field requires an external code list. Those codes and values have been made external spreadsheet files to allow a flexible maintenance according to the updates requirements. In this case the external is ExternalIdentificationTypeCode in the file ExternalCodeLists_iMERCADO.xls. example: ExternalIdentificationTypeCode AccountIdentification: type: object properties: Proprietary: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Number account identification. Unique identification for the account investors. e.g 115 = Account Number example: 115 PartyIdentification: type: object properties: ProprietaryIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ProprietaryIdentification' ClearingAccount: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Number account identification. Unique identification for the account investors. e.g 115 = Account Number example: 115 Type: type: string description: This field is not used by the BM& FBOVESPA. It should be filled with the default value = CLIE. enum: - CLIE example: 'CLIE' TradingParty: type: object properties: ProprietaryIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ProprietaryIdentification' ClearingMember: type: object properties: ProprietaryIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ProprietaryIdentification' CustodianIdentificationAndAccount: type: object properties: PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' PartyIdentificationAndAccount: type: object properties: PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' DestinationPartyInformation: type: object properties: PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' SourcePartyIdentification: type: object properties: ProprietaryIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ProprietaryIdentification' TradeParticipantIdentification: type: object properties: Proprietary: $ref: '#/definitions/Proprietary' Proprietary: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Number account identification. Unique identification for the account investors. e.g 115 = Account Number example: 115 CustodianInformation: type: object properties: PartyIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PartyIdentification' AccountIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountIdentification' TechnicalInformation: type: object properties: SeqNum: type: integer format: int64 description: Sequence Number. This attribute is only sent by B3. long example: PossDupFlag: type: boolean description: Indicates that the message may have already been sent. If PossDupFlag = "true", indicates that it is possible to be a resend, otherwise PossDupFlag = "false" represents the original submission. YesNoIndicator example: OnBehalfOfCompId: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 20 description: Provides the FIX session name where the message was received. This field is filled only when B3 sends to the Participant. example: DeliverToCompId: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 20 description: Provides the FIX session name where the message should be delivered, in which this information was received from an earlier message of the same business stream. This field is filled out by the Participant. example: GatewayName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 20 description: Provides the name of the gateway where the FIX session is hosted. This field is filled in by B3 and the participant. example: ApplicationHeader: type: object properties: BusinessMessageIdentifier: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification of Business Message Identifier. Unique identifier of the message given by the participant or by B3. example: MessageDefinitionIdentifier: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Contains the MessageIdentifier that defines the BusinessMessage. It must contain a MessageIdentifier published on the ISO 20022 website. example: 'camt.001.001.03' CreationDate: type: string format: datetime description: Date and time when this Business Message (header) was created.Note Times must be normalized, using the "Z" annotation. This field must be filled according to the UTC format. ISONormalisedDateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.0Z example: '2012-07-18T13:40:23.0Z' From: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Other: type: array items: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification assigned by an institution. example: SchemeName: type: object properties: Proprietary: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form. example: Issuer: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Entity that assigns the identification. example: To: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Other: type: array items: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification assigned by an institution. example: SchemeName: type: object properties: Proprietary: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form. example: Issuer: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Entity that assigns the identification. example: Related: type: object properties: BusinessMessageIdentifier: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification of Business Message Identifier. Unique identifier of the message given by the participant or by B3. example: MessageDefinitionIdentifier: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Contains the MessageIdentifier that defines the BusinessMessage. It must contain a MessageIdentifier published on the ISO 20022 website. example: 'camt.001.001.03' CreationDate: type: string format: datetime description: Date and time when this Business Message (header) was created.Note Times must be normalized, using the "Z" annotation. This field must be filled according to the UTC format. ISONormalisedDateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.0Z example: '2012-07-18T13:40:23.0Z' From: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Other: type: array items: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification assigned by an institution. example: SchemeName: type: object properties: Proprietary: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form. example: Issuer: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Entity that assigns the identification. example: To: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Identification: type: object properties: OrganisationIdentification: type: object properties: Other: type: array items: type: object properties: Identification: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Identification assigned by an institution. example: SchemeName: type: object properties: Proprietary: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form. example: Issuer: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Entity that assigns the identification. example: BusinessStatusError: type: object properties: BusinessStatus: type: object properties: code: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 description: Code that identifies of the business status. example: description: type: string maxLength: 50 description: Describes the business status code. example: comprehensiveDescription: type: string maxLength: 2000 description: provides a comprehensive and detailed status information that coud not be placed in the description attribute. example: dateTime: type: string format: datetime description: Date and time of the business status example: '2001-12-31T12:00:00' ErrorResponse: type: object properties: http: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 4 description: A repeat of the HTTP satus code. example: code: type: string maxLength: 50 description: a more detailed error code. example: text: type: string maxLength: 50 description: A relatively short text that explains the error in a language that is useful for the end-user of the service. example: developerText: type: string maxLength: 250 description: A text that explains the possible reason(s) of the error, and the possible corrections. example: moreInfo: type: string maxLength: 250 description: URI to documents that may help the developer to understand or solve the problem. example: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount: type: object properties: "$": type: number multipleOf: 0.00001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 5 minInclusive = 0 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345 currency: type: string ActiveCurrencyAndAmount: type: object properties: "$": type: number multipleOf: 0.00001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 5 minInclusive = 0 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.12345 currency: type: string ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount: type: object properties: "$": type: number multipleOf: 0.0000000000001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 13 totalDigits = 18 example: 0.1234567890123 currency: type: string RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd3DecimalAmount: type: object properties: "$": type: number multipleOf: 0.001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 3 totalDigits = 15 example: 0.123 currency: type: string RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd7DecimalAmount: type: object properties: "$": type: number multipleOf: 0.0000001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 7 totalDigits = 19 example: 0.1234567 currency: type: string RestrictedBVMFActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAnd8DecimalAmount: type: object properties: "$": type: number multipleOf: 0.00000001 description: Price expressed as a currency and value. decimal fractionDigits = 8 totalDigits = 32 example: 0.12345678 currency: type: string