Sustainability | B3

Sustainability in companies

Learn about the B3 initiatives with companies who are engaged in sustainability

Report or explain

Starting in 2012, B3 began to recommend listed companies to indicate in the Reference Form in item 7.8 - "Description of relevant long-term relationships of the company not included elsewhere in this form", whether they published sustainability or integrated reports or similar reports; and where it was available. If not, the companies should explain why they did not publish it.

This initiative, entitled "Report or Explain for Sustainability or Integrated Reporting", was developed in partnership with the GRI - Global Reporting Initiative and in support of the IIRC – International Integrated Reporting Council, aimed at encouraging companies to gradually adhere to the practice of reporting to investors information and results related to the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) dimensions. Thus, it was a way of providing an easy platform for accessing this information to investors and stakeholders.

The year 2015 was the last of this initiative's original format – and for a great reason. In a review of the Reference Form, the Brazilian regulatory body, CVM, has made this form of disclosure mandatory for social and environmental information since 2016. Therefore, there is no longer any need for the Exchange to request such a report, and the Companies came to be with the regulator.


B3 provides an environment for the discussion and promotion of sustainability, through publications and gatherings. Among its publications, the “Sustainability Guide” presents a time-line of the evolution of the sustainability concept in the business community, from 1950, and suggests "13 steps towards sustainability".