Trademate Connectivity Certification | B3

Certification Access Links

Network Address IP Ports
RCB (Drop Copy) 30001 a 30010
(Market Data) 31001 a 31010
(Order Entry) 32001 to 32010)
RTM (Drop Copy) 30001 to 30010
(Market Data) 31001 to 31010
(Order Entry) 32001 to 32010

Certification process




1. To contract FIX Session via telephone: +55 11 2565-5080 Clients should send the CAU service user to open the FIX session creation request. Note: Users must have one of the Trademate access profiles  3 days after the information has been sent
2. To schedule certification via telephone: +55 11 2565-5023 E-mail:

Clients should have FIX sessions contracted to carry out tests and send the completed certification schedule form by email. Click on the form link

2 days after request has been sent
3. Certification execution

The duration of this activity may vary according to the maturity of the software to be certified.

The whole certification script for the modality to be contracted must be followed.
To be defined.
4.After completing the certification script, the participant should send the application logs to

In the body of the email, the participant must confirm that the certification was successful and that the certified application functioned as expected through its functionality..
B3 will send an email to participants notifying them that the certification has been completed. 2 days after the participant has sent the application logs)