B3 Equal Weight Bovespa Index (Ibovespa B3 Equal Weight) | B3

B3 Equal Weight Bovespa Index (Ibovespa B3 Equal Weight)

  • Presentation

    The Ibovespa B3 Equal Weight is the result of a theoretical portfolio of assets, developed according to the criteria established in this methodology.


    The objective of the Ibovespa B3 Equal Weight is to serve as the average performance indicator of the most traded assets, representing the Brazilian stock market.

    Index Type

    The B3 Equal Weight is a Total Return Index.

    Eligible Assets

    The Ibovespa B3 Equal Weight is composed of shares and units exclusively from companies listed on B3 that meet the inclusion criteria described below.

    BDRs and assets from companies under judicial or extrajudicial recovery, temporary special administration, intervention, or those traded under any other special listing situation are not included in this universe (see the B3 Index Definitions and Procedures Manual, item 3.2 Companies in Special Situation).