Security | Pledged | % of the Total Pledged |
Brazilian Federal Government Bonds SELIC | R$ 546,153,113,749.45 | 84.835% |
Equities, Units, ETFs and others | R$ 79,931,440,211.47 | 12.416% |
US and German Treasury Bonds | R$ 6,144,213,858.32 | 0.954% |
Letters of Credit | R$ 5,939,698,260.84 | 0.923% |
Fixed Income securities issued by banks (CDs, LCIs and LCAs) | R$ 2,625,542,378.48 | 0.408% |
Cash - Brazilian Real | R$ 1,890,685,662.08 | 0.294% |
Cash - US Dollar | R$ 1,072,428,447.12 | 0.167% |
BM&FBOVESPA Settlement Bank | R$ 22,780,133.13 | 0.004% |
Total Used | R$ 489,830,144,977.40 | 76.087% |
Total Pledged (BRL) | R$ 643,779,902,700.89 | 100.000% |
Total Pledged (USD) | US$ 109,697,190,638.62 | 100.000% |
Update: 04/02/2025