Collateral | B3


Security Pledged % of the Total Pledged
Brazilian Federal Government Bonds SELIC R$ 540,420,561,143.13 83.447%
Equities, Units, ETFs and others R$ 83,301,363,682.29 12.863%
US and German Treasury Bonds R$ 11,243,374,696.18 1.736%
Letters of Credit R$ 5,982,250,000.00 0.924%
Fixed Income securities issued by banks (CDs, LCIs and LCAs) R$ 2,492,983,359.81 0.385%
Cash - Brazilian Real R$ 2,489,149,993.11 0.384%
Cash - US Dollar R$ 1,654,061,143.16 0.255%
BM&FBOVESPA Settlement Bank R$ 34,368,883.69 0.005%
Total Used R$ 523,664,441,869.37 80.860%
Total Pledged (BRL) R$ 647,618,112,901.37 100.000%
Total Pledged (USD) US$ 105,037,322,061.33 100.000%


Update: 27/12/2024