Access to the UP2DATA Client | B3

UP2DATA service

The topics selected below may help you to clarify some doubts about UP2DATA. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can contact our sales team to learn more about service through the email or, for technical questions, contact the support team by email

Access to the UP2DATA Client

  • What is UP2DATA Client?

    The UP2DATA Client tool allows access to the UP2DATA service files into a directory of the contractor's network. It’s important to mention that each key can be installed just in one machine.

  • How is the data organized?

    The data is delivered in folders into contractor's directory and with this version is possible to choose how the files will be organized (arranged by channels, subchannels or days).

  • What are the characteristics of the UP2DATA Client?

    In the Client version, the files can be accessed through a directory on the contractor's network. Thus, software must be installed on the institution's server that allows the files to be made available in the chosen folder. The files will remain in this location until the client deletes them. It is important to point out that each software installation key can be used on only one machine, and it is advisable to use one of the keys for the production server and another key for the “disaster recovery” server.

  • How are the files sent?


    Files will be sent through an encrypted and secure connection between B3’s servers and the UP2DATA Client software.


  • What are the requirements to install the UP2DATA Client software?

    To receive the data available on UP2DATA, you need to install the UP2DATA Client software on your computer. The UP2DATA Client will ensure that you receive the files as soon as the data becomes available on B3.

    Before proceeding with the UP2DATA Client installation, it is important to fulfill the following hardware, software, and security requirements.

    Minimum Hardware and Internet Requirements

    • Processor: 2 GHz
    • RAM: 2 GB
    • Disk space: 10 GB
    • 2 Mbps minimum bandwidth

    Software Requirements

    The following OS and platforms are supported:

    OS Supported Platforms
    Windows 10 32-bits and 64-bits
    Windows 8.1 32-bits and 64-bits
    Windows 8 32-bits and 64-bits
    Windows 7 SP1 32-bits and 64-bits
    Windows Server 2016 64-bits
    Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bits
    Windows Server 2012 64-bits
    Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bits

    The equipment should be installed with .Net Framework 4.5.2 or higher.

  • What are the UP2DATA security features?

    Connection to the UP2DATA service requires the following security features:

    • Firewall and/or proxy access permission on port 443 under TCP protocol to the following addresses:

    • The installation must be performed by a user with local administrator access in the equipment, with writing permission in the system’s Registry Editor and authorization for digital certificate installation.

    • Address, port, user, and proxy password, if applicable. The application is not supported in reverse proxy environments.

    • Release of installation executable in the antivirus setting, if applicable.

    • The user to be set up to start the Windows Service must have writing permission and permission to create folders, subfolders and files in the chosen directory for automatic download of data available through the UP2DATA service.

    • Note: It is recommended that the user account to be set up for Windows Service startup is a service-specific account not subject to regular password change policies. The user must have access permission to the above listed addresses, log on as a service permission, and be properly set up if a proxy is used.
  • How to install UP2DATA Client?

    The first step is to check the hardware, internet, software and security prerequisites (two questions above). Then, download the installer through the link and extract it from the zipped file.

    Once the installation has been carried out, agreeing with the necessary conditions, and providing the installation key received after contracting, it must await its validation. After validation, the user will be able to define the directory location and the arrange of folders (organized by channels, subchannels or days). Access the installation manual on the How to hire and Accesstab or contact our team via email

  • I am not able to complete the installation. What should I do?

    First, make sure that all security and installation prerequisites have been met (present in the UP2DATA Client installation manual and in this tab), here it is important to remember that the technical user must have access permission to the addresses listed in the topic “Security prerequisites”, “Log on as a service” permission and be properly configured in case of use a proxy.

    To consult the technical requirements, consult the installation manual found on the How to hire and Access tab.

    If you have all the prerequisites covered and the problem persists, we kindly ask you to contact the Dataservices team via email