Access to UP2DATA Cloud | B3

UP2DATA service

The topics selected below may help you to clarify some doubts about UP2DATA. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can contact our sales team to learn more about service through the email or, for technical questions, contact the support team by email

Access to UP2DATA Cloud

  • What is UP2DATA Cloud?

    The Cloud tool is a UP2DATA service solution for storing large amounts of data in the cloud, in a staggered and secure way, for high-performance technological platforms.

  • How is the data organized?

    Files are organized in Blobs and made available in directories in a cloud service, such as Microsoft Azure. Learn more about how Blob storage works.

  • What are the characteristics of UP2DATA Cloud?

    UP2DATA Cloud gathers 30 consecutive days of historical data that are stored in the cloud and the files will be available in CSV, TXT, JSON and XML and allows you to download only the files of your interest, in this way you can have access to a wide range of files without taking up more storage space than necessary.

    Another feature of using the UP2DATA Cloud is that it can be accessed by more than one computer if you have problems accessing it from your main machine.

    It is important to note that the sharing of keys clouds (SAS) is not allowed, and they must not be used simultaneously and the SAS keys are valid for three months and are non-transferable.

  • What information is made available after hiring?

    After hiring, an access kit to the UP2DATA Cloud will be provided by e-mail with contain a credential (Client ID, Client Secret and Certificate Password) and a certificate (file in pfx) that will be necessary to generation of the SAS keys that will give access to the acquired channels, as described in the policy product commercial.

  • What are the requirements for using UP2DATA Cloud?

    To use UP2DATA Cloud, it is necessary to connect with UP2DATA API to generate access keys (SAS) and use some Cloud tool (example: Microsoft Azure) for download the files delivered by UP2DATA Cloud.

  • What is the function of the UP2DATA Cloud API?

    The API is used to generate the SAS keys, which are required for authentication and access to UP2DATA Cloud products within a Cloud reader such as Microsoft Azure.

  • What is Token?

    Token is the service validation code, generated by the UP2DATA Programming Interface (API) after receiving the product access kit data.

  • What are SAS keys? Do they have validity?

    The SAS keys guarantee access to the files of the contracted channels, valid for 90 days for the Cloud version of the UP2DATA product.

  • How can I request the API?

    The API can be request through code implementations or through applications that make it more intuitive to use, such as the Postman Collection.

    For more information about API access by the Postaman Collection, access the step by step looking forward the access by Postman Collection on UP2DATA Cloud Manual, that is present on the How to Hire and Access tab.

  • How can I access UP2DATA Cloud?

    To access the UP2DATA Cloud it is necessary to use a cloud reader tool such as Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.

    For more information about accessing the UP2DATA by Microsoft Azure, access the UP2DATA Cloud Manual into the How to Hire and Access tab.

  • Can I automate the download of files from the UP2Data Cloud platform?

    Yes, in UP2DATA Cloud it is possible to make automations to generate the keys after the expiration period (90 days) and/or download the files automatically when they are delivered by the platform.

    In the Cloud Manual into the How to hire and access tab we demonstrate as an example of file download automation thought Microsoft Azcopy.

  • Rules and best practices for using the UP2DATA Cloud

    To ensure performance and good use of computing resources, we recommend:

    • To get the JWT token, query only once a day.
    • SAS keys don’t change during the day. It is advisable that download requests are made from RSS publications or every 5 minutes.
  • API response code

    B3 uses normal HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. A response code of 200, for example, means success, while codes in the 4xx range indicate an error with the information provided. Codes in the 5xx range indicate a communication error with our servers. Check the error codes used by the UP2DATA Cloud API:

    Code Return Code Menssage Description
    200 200 Sucess Indicates that the processing was performed correctly and that the return can be consulted in the body of the HTTP Response. Used in the GET method.
    400 400 Bad Request Indicates that some parameter entered is not in the correct format.
    401 401 Unauthorized Indicates that access to the server resource requires authentication (missing credential or invalid credential).