Climate Change | B3

Climate Change

Climate Change

We are committed to making our activities more efficient from the environmental point of view.

This means investing in new technologies at our facilities, in systems and in any other aspect that involves the use of natural capital, as well as remaining alert to market developments regarding the subject.

Internal management of our activities

In terms of voluntary commitments, since 2009 we have participated in the Climate Change CDP.

We have been present at Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) discussions since the first draft and we have been signatories to the initiative since 2017.

We have been carbon neutral since 2011.

We have carried out an inventory of our emissions since 2009.

Since 2010 we have submitted the emissions inventory for verification by a third party and include it in the Public Registry of Emissions in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, where we have a gold standard.

We have established the target of reducing scope 2 emissions by 100% by 2030, with 2021 as base year.

We have incorporated the an environmental perspective to our risk management model.

In the commitment to promoting best practices in the market, we offer:

Products and Services that can contribute to the transition to a low carbon economy:

In the Listed Market segment, the ISE B3 and ICO2 B3 indices, as well as the B3 Green Equities designation are products that seek to address climate issues.

In the OTC Market segment, we have platforms for the registration of ESG bonds and have recently signed a partnership with Air Carbon Exchange (ACX) to provide a carbon credit trding platform to the Brazilian market.

In the Technology and Data segment, we have ESG Workspace.

In partnership with the Brazilian Initiative for the Voluntary Carbon Market, we have a Platform for disclosure of carbon credit projects.

Events and Training courses on the subject are available at TV B3.