Environmental Management | B3

Environmental Management

Environmental Management

We are committed to making our activities ever more efficient from the environmental point of view.

This means investing in new technologies at our facilities, in systems and in any other aspect that involves the use of natural capital, as well as remaining alert to the main market developments regarding the subject.

In 2022, we certified our Environmental Management System. In 2023, for the second year, we renewed the ISO 14.001 certification for the Praça Antonio Prado and Rua XV de Novembro buildings, with validation by an outside auditor.

ISO 14.001 establishes basic requirements for an Environmental Management System and requires the certified organization develops a environmental protection process and a rapid response protocol for changing environmental conditions.

See the certificate here

Through this process we formally establish:

An internal and outside audit of the Environmental Management System

Corrective actions to encourage continuous improvements

Objectives, targets and deadlines