Click here to access Circular Letters linked to B3's regulations and manuals.
For the OTC B3, B3 manages the Collateral Management Module which allows participants to deposit and manage collateral bilaterally, without a CCP.
This functionality is particularly relevant in a trade repository environment where settlement occurs without the intervention of a central counterparty. This eases the operational routine of the participants and contributes towards risk reduction and the credit and liquidity of transactions.
The rules and procedures regarding the process of deposit and custody of bilateral collateral are described in the following documents:
The definitions of the terms used in the documents available in the OTC B3 are available in the Glossary below:
The documents listed above are the principal ones for this line of business. Other documentation relative to the OTC B3 is available at Regulations Manuals and Operating Manuals.
Click here to access Circular Letters linked to B3's regulations and manuals.