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In the case of OTC B3 post-trade, B3 acts as a Trade Repository (TR) and Securities Settlement System (SSS).
B3 provides the services of these two lines of business for the market in an integrated manner through the NoMe System.
The general rules related to repository and settlement services are available in Chapter V of the OTC B3 Rulebook, below.
The rules and procedures regarding repository and settlement processes in the NoMe system are described in detail in the following document:
As well as the rules consolidated in the OTC B3 Rulebook and “Manual de Normas do Sistema de Registro, do Sistema de Compensação e Liquidação e do Sistema de Custódia Eletrônica”, B3 has specific rules organized per type of product. These detail the particular procedures of each product and differ from the general rules established in the “Manual de Normas do Sistema de Registro, do Sistema de Compensação e Liquidação” and the “Sistema de Custódia Eletrônica”. These rules are a composite of the “Manuais de Normas” and are available in the following documents.
Operating Manuals:
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Click here to access Circular Letters linked to B3's regulations and manuals.
The definitions of the terms used in the documents available in the OTC B3 are available in the Glossary below:
The documents listed above are the principal ones for this line of business. Other documentation relative to the OTC B3 is available at Regulations Manuals and Operating Manuals.