ESG | B3
ASG logo with an abstract design in blue and orange in the background

B3´s purpose is to drive sustainable economic development for society to prosper.

This commitment is proof of how environmental, social and corporate governance issues drive us.

We aim to be an engine for change and development in everything we do, from internal practices to the way we interact with the market and our products.

How we operate

As a listed company

We are committed to being a company aligned with the best sustainability practices.

As a market driver

We encourage listed companies and the whole market to advance in environmental, social and governance areas.

see our strategic pillars

How we work

As a listed company we always seek best practices regarding environmental, social and corporate governance matters.

Smiling man kneeling on the floor with a prosthetic right leg in a bright indoor setting.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

With our own strategy and positioning, built from market studies and data, we aim to be a company aligned with best diversity practices and encourage the market to do the same.

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Four people in a meeting around a conference table in a modern office environment.

Corporate Governance

We adopt best market practices and seek to innovate beyond established governance models. Good corporate governance is essential for companies that, like us have long term-vision and seek to grow in a secure and sustainable way. We have been pioneers in this matter in recent decades.

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Smiling girl

Corporate Social Investment

Through B3 Social, the nonprofit area of B3, we do strategic grantmaking to fund and grow social projects. Through this practice we are investing and enabling society´s development.

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Woman riding a bicycle

Environmental Management

We are committed to making our activities more efficient. We invest in new technologies at our facilities, and manage our activities and collect data through an internal system that allow us to develop strategies to protectthe environment.

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Image of a forest

Climate Change

The impacts of climate change show the need for urgent action. We actively participate in discussions about this subject that help us promote initiatives aimed at mitigating impacts. We also e provide products and services that can contribute to the transition to a low carbon economy.

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Two people sticking cards on a board

Supply Chain Managements

We establish rules of conduct and processes to keep our entire value chain accountable to best environmental, social and governance practices, with active participation from suppliers and partners.

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How we impact the market

To encourage listed companies and the whole market to advance in ESG, we have a committed to sharing information and knowledge with the public.

More about our guides and publications:

image described Guide to Sustainability and ESG Management at Companies

Guide to Sustainability and ESG Management at Companies:

For companies to begin their ESG journeys

The Guide aims to disseminate knowledge, reflections and best ESG practices that can contribute towards a path of differentiation, permanence and value creation for large cap and midcap companies. This document suggests “14 steps towards sustainability” for companies.

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image of a woman smiling in the background

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guide

Here we aim to help companies on their journey towards diversity, equity and inclusion. Produced in partnership with iO Diversidade and Instituto Locomotiva, this is a manual of recommendations regarding the main benefits and challenges for strengthening organizations’ DE&I agenda.

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image of two people looking at a notebook

Census Guide

For companies starting their ESG journeys

This document is a tool that guides organizations in their DEI practices. It helps train companies to conduct diversity assessments. These assessments are a first step on companies’ diversity and inclusion journeys.

Available only in portuguese

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Our products and services

One of our priorities is to develop new ESG products and services.

In recent years we have advanced in strengthening our product portifolio and in creating new fronts related to sustainable finance.

Business meeting with four participants discussing around a table, with the 'ESG' logo prominently displayed in the background.

Learn more about our products and services in the following segments:

Listed Market

We have developed a wide supply of products and services for the Listed market with the objective of encouraging companies to follow environmental, social and governance best practices, within recognized international standards.

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OTC Market

The OTC market is our environment for trading assets that are not listed on an exchange, such as government bonds, CDBs, LCIs, debentures and more. We have developed and strengthened ESG solutions for this market every year.

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Data and Services

Through our business expansion and diversification strategy, with a focus on the data & analytics area, we have developed new ESG data solutions.

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We aim to provide and publish precise financial and nonfinancial information in an efficient way, and to adopt best market practices regarding accountability.

Regulatory documents and financial information are available at the Investor Relations website.


Click on the image to access B3’s Annual Report

Compacts and Commitments

Building a more sustainable world is a challenge that involves all of society. For this reason, in addition to developing our own actions, we are involved in public ESG commitments, compacts and initiatives. We want to contribute to these forums, closely following the latest developments, and using these discussions as input for the adoption and development of best practices in our day-to-day activities.

UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact was created in 2000 to mobilize the business community into adopting ten universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, the Environment and Anti-Corruption. In 2005, we became the first exchange in the world to join the initiative, of which we are also members of the CORB Network Brazil advisory board.

See B3’s Communication on Progress Reports (COPs).

International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Climate risks are increasingly turning into reality for companies and capital. Therefore, in December 2023, during COP28, we formalized our support for and commitment to adopting the recommendations of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to establish market infrastructures that have constant and comparable reports regarding sustainability and climate change.

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

In 2010, we joined the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a UN initiative aimed at large asset managers and other financial market agents, seeking responsible investment.

Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE)

We are founding signatories to Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE), which was created in 2012 to promote responsible long-term investment and to work on the performance and publication of environmental, social and corporate governance information with listed companies.

Sustainability Working Group da Federação Mundial de Bolsas (SWG-WFE)

Fazemos parte do Sustainability Working Group (SWG) da World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) desde sua criação, em 2014. A principal meta do grupo é construir consenso sobre finalidade, praticidade e relevância dos critérios de sustentabilidade nas bolsas de valores.

Ring the Bell for Gender Equality

In this initiative, stock exchanges symbolically ring the opening bell to call attention to the central role of the private sector in promoting gender equality. We have taken part since 2017.

Pact for the Promotion of Racial Equity

In 2021, we began support of the Pact for the Promotion of Racial Equity, which proposes implementing a Racial Protocol in Brazil to bring the race to the center of the country’s economic debate.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is a business initiative created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). It aims to establish recommendations so that the financial system can request structured information from its clients about the climate risks stemming from their activities. We have been present at the TCFD discussions since the first draft and we signed the supporting declaration in 2017.


Other Institutional Representations

In addition to adhering to the above compacts and commitments, we are part of other initiatives that address social, environmental and governance issues, with the objective of creating more sustainable financial and capital markets. These include:

Membership of the Working Group on Sustainable Finance of the Federación Iberoamericana de Bolsas (FIAB)

Member of the Intra-sectoral Commission for Sustainability and Environment of FEBRABAN – Brazilian Federation of Banks

The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) and a member of the Climate Theme Chamber

The Group of Institutes, Foundations and Enterprises (GIFE)


News ESG

May 7, 2024

Green Equities

B3 launched the green equities classification for Brazilian companies

April 18, 2024

B3 Social

B3 Social will invest Around BRL 60 million in social projects in 2024

March 12, 2024

Diversity Census

B3 launches a guide for companies to conduct Diversity Censuses

August 7, 2023

ESG Initiatives

B3 and other ESG and diversity initiatives

June 14, 2021

ESG Course and Investments

B3, BlackRock and XP launch a fee course on ESG and Investments



Diversity and Inclusion

[email protected]


[email protected]